Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Humanites 8 is currently learning about world religions and the students are preparing themselves for their poster presentations. Ms. Curry is halfway through her final practicum and is doing a fine job. The Fall of Rome will be the focus of our next unit.  
As a unit in their Hockey Skills Academy course, all our students will participate in a coaching clinic that will introduce them to the ins and outs of coaching hockey. Providing an opportunity for these student coaches to receive practical experience, we are inviting players aged 8-11 from the Comox Valley Minor Hockey association to come out and participate in the development practices run by our student coaches. It is important to know that all proceeds from this program will be donated to "KIDSPORT” Comox Valley, a community-run organization that provides financial support to children so that they, too, may participate in organized sport.