Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Humanities 8

Hi all,

Students in Humanities have been working on a Resiliency Project.The main concepts and content are: attributes of resilience, historical figures of resilience, and how students and family members show resilience.

To date we have looked at resiliency attributes and shared stories of resilience from our family or community members. Students have selected a community or family member that has inspired them with their story and are now in the process of interviewing and writing about them in the form of a Spoken Word piece that they will share with class.

To ensure your son/daughter gets the highest possible grade for this project, please make sure they have the support needed to complete the following assignments:

1: Resilience attribute poster (10 marks)
2: Historical reference fact sheet (10 marks)
3: Journal response "Describe a time in your life when you had to be resilient ( 5 marks)
4: Connections handout (5 marks)
5: Invitation letter (10 marks)
6: Get up and say it. An introduction to Spoken Word. Students stand in front of the class and say what bothers them about....? (5 marks)
7: Their Spoken Word write up. A one-minute Spoken Word tribute ( 20 marks)
8: Spoken Word presentation (10 marks)
9: Class discussion participation (5 marks)

There is a total of 80 marks available for this project.