English 9
Section One for today
# 20 What is a preposition? A preposition is a linking word used before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship to some other word in the sentence; usually indicate a location. Examples include: above, in, at, down, onto, over, upon, toward, within, for except
Commonly Used Prepositional Phrases
- According to the weather forecast
- Across many deserts
- After many tries
- Amid the confusion
- Around the world
- Before we start the meeting
- Between a rock and a hard place
- By the light of the moon
- Like a beautiful swan
- Near the ocean
- Of my boss
- Off the top
- Out the door
- Through the looking glass
- Throughout the thick forest
- To the amusement park
Don't forget our section one quiz this coming Friday. That completes Parts of the Sentence.
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