Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Good morning,


Class this week has been looking at resilience as a theme. We have a number of assignments to complete that will lead you toward writing a Spoken Word (poetry) piece. Here are a list of the assignments and the marks that you will obtain by completing them.


  1. Getting Started: a list of poetic terms to help get you started (5 marks).

  2. Historical Figure: choose a person from the provided list and create a biography (10).

  3. Poster: create a poster of one of the resiliency attributes (15).

  4. Connecting Community Figure: complete handout by answering all of the questions (15).

  5. Letter of invitation: write a letter of invitation for the person for whom you are writing (10).

  6. Spoken Word: write a Spoken Word for the person you are honouring (15).

Total marks: 70


Please be sure to ask questions if needed. All assignments have been discussed in class.


We have also watched three TED talks to date with resiliency being the main theme: 


Greg EEles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLzVJVM1BUc


Amy Purdy https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_purdy_living_beyond_limits


Chris Abani https://www.ted.com/talks/chris_abani_muses_on_humanity


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