Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Explore English

Writing a journal:

  • Don’t confuse a journal with a diary. A diary mentions things that have happened (Heathers from 7-9 this Thursday); a journal reflects on the happenings.
  • A diary lists appointments; a journal records events, but gives a sense of why they were meaningful.
  • Think of your journal as a record of your life now, which you might read with pleasure some years from now when many of the rich details of your daily experience would otherwise be buried in your memory.

Your turn:

Sit down in the middle of your Wild Mind. Let your thoughts flow through you. The best way to write is to lose control. Remember your rules of writing. Reread them.

Write a journal entry (#5). Reflect about your first couple of weeks. Here are some guiding questions to help direct your writing:

What have you felt so far?
How do you feel about your situation?
Describe a situation that you have experienced. Where were you?
What did you feel?

If you have trouble starting, start with this:

Thinking back to my first day, I feel…

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