Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Explore English

"Saturday Climbing" by W.D. Valgardson

  1. Give one example of conflict in the story. What type of conflict is it? Write two to three sentences and provide at least one quote to support your idea.
  1. Why was Barry "full of fear" at the end of the story?

         3. The world seeks balance is a theme of "Saturday Climbing." Provide an example to support this.

Journal Question: choose one of the following statements  guide your response.

On page 55, Valgardseon writes, "Gradually, as a dozen Saturdays passed, what had seemed impossible was reduced to the merely difficult."

Think back to your own life experiences and make a connection to this statement by writing 2-3 paragraphs.


In this story, Moira and her father share some success, conflict and the tension between her moving on and her father not wanting to let go. Describe a recent experience you have had with your parents or guardians (2-3 paragraphs).

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