Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Daily Grammar 16-25



Daily Dose # 16


Define the colon and describe its uses.


The colon is a mark of expectation or addition. Major uses are to: introduce lists or tabulations; introduce

a word or phrase; precede an example or clarification of an idea suggested before the colon; to introduce

a long or formal quotation; act as a separating mark in special situations (letters, time, stating

proportions, titles of books, acts verses, etc.)



Daily Dose # 17


Define the dash and describe its uses.


The dash is an emphatic mark that usually indicates an interruption of thought, a sharp break

or a shift in thought. Uses are to: introduce a word or group that you wish to emphasize; a break

in thought; to set off distinguished parenthetical material.


Daily Dose # 18


Define quotation marks and describe the placement of end punctuation with quotation marks.


Quotation marks enclose words, phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs indicating the

beginning and ending of material being repeated or quoted. The comma and period always

come inside quotation marks. Question marks, exclamation points and dashes come outside

quotation marks unless they are part of the quotation. The semicolon and colon always go outside

quotation marks.


Daily Dose # 19


Describe the uses of the apostrophe.


The apostrophe is a mark of punctuation and a spelling symbol. It indicates omission

of a letter or letters (wasn’t, can’t, he’s); forms the possessive case of a noun

(the horse’s saddle, the boys’ clubhouse).


Daily Dose # 20


What is a verb?


A verb is a word that specifies actions or events that take place in time or a relation between two things.


Daily Dose # 21


What is an adjective?


An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by describing, limiting or making it more exact; it may

indicate quality or quantity. There are three general types: descriptive, limiting, proper


Daily Dose # 22


Give an example.


descriptive (yellow, wide house), limiting (third, several boys), proper (Canadian policy).


Daily Dose # 23


What is an adverb?


An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or other adverb by describing or limiting to

make meaning more precise; often have an –ly ending.

Generally tell how, when, why, where, how

often and how much.


Daily Dose # 24


Give an example.


quickly ran, moved sideways, he treated us kindly


Daily Dose # 25


What is a conjunction?



A conjunction is a linking word used to connect words or groups of words in a sentence.

Write two examples from each category.


Coordinating: and, but, for, or, nor, yet, neither, either,

Subordinating: since, because, as, while, so that, although, unless

Correlative: both/and, either/or, neither/nor, so/as, not only/but also


Daily Dose # 26


What is a preposition?



A preposition is a linking word used before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship

to some other word in the sentence; usually indicate a location.




above, in, at, down, onto, over, upon, toward, within, for, except




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