Wednesday, January 6, 2021

"The Kayak"


“The Kayak” by Debbie Spring


1.   What is it that Teresa most desires? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

2.   Why did Teresa start to head for shore?

3.   What does the author's use of italics indicate?

4.   Which literary device is used in the line, "you don't know what it's like being so helpless."

5.   What does Jamie's remark, "Bring the marshmallows" suggest about the way he thinks of Teresa?



"Saturday Climbing" by W.D. Valgardson



1.   Give one example of conflict in the story. What type of conflict is it? Write two to three sentences and provide at least one quote to support your idea.


2.   Notice the character development in this story. The top of page 54 reveals a great example of this. Read from, "she had frizzy dark hair, …"


Write a descriptive passage of your own character. It can be a real or fictitious person. Use the passage to help with your own writing. Draw a picture if you are inclined!


3.   On page 55, Valgardseon writes, "Gradually, as a dozen Saturdays passed, what had seemed impossible was reduced to the merely difficult."


Think back to your own life experiences and make a connection to this statement. What challenge have you overcome?


4.   In this story, Moira and her father share some success, conflict and the tension between her moving on and her father not wanting to let go. Describe a recent experience you have had with your parents or guardians.


5.   What is an aphorism? Give an example.


6.   The line, “The world seeks balance” is a possible theme in this story. Why do you think that is?


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