Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Comm 12

Note: please be sure to complete and hand in any missing work before Nov. 5th. The end of the term is Nov. 10th.

Students are beginning a novel unit this week. Our class is reading Different Seasons by Stephen King. The book is a collection of short stories. We will be reading the story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption."

There are two parts to this assignment:

  1. Written assignments (20 marks)
  2. Fun assignments (30 marks)

There are a number of assignments in each category for students to choose from. Please complete your written section first before starting your fun assignments.  Students have two weeks to complete their work.

English 10-Novel Study

Note: please be sure to complete and hand in any missing work before Nov. 5th. The end of the term is Nov. 10th.

Students are beginning an self-directed novel unit. There are two parts to this assignment:

  1. Written assignments (20 marks)
  2. Fun assignments (30 marks)

There are a number of assignments in each category for students to choose from. Please complete your written section first before starting your fun assignments.  Students have two weeks to complete their work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

English 10

Students are finishing their writing unit as well as their short story unit.

Writing unit:

Complete the self-assessment form and hand it in. Be sure to include your three final copies of your stories. This will be a shared mark between the teacher and the student. I have read some awesome writing and students should be proud of their hard work.

Short story unit:

Please be sure to read all assigned stories and review the "elements of the short story" to prepare for your upcoming test. In addition, students should review literary terms. Wednesday will be a review and Thursday will be our test.

Communications 12

Good morning,

Please hand in your Study Guides as well as your six written responses. Study guides are worth 25 marks.

Written Responses:

Remember to type your best two written responses and place them on the top of your rough work. Students will be given a completion mark for handing in all rough work (2 marks for each response for a total of 12 marks) and a final mark for each of the best two edited written responses (6 marks for each for a total of 12 marks).

Tomorrow we are beginning to write business letters. I will have templates as well as the format for writing a variety of letters.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Communication 12

Symbolism: any object, person, place, or action that has both a meaning in itself and that stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, attitude, belief, or value.

Example: the owl a as symbol of knowledge or a rose as a symbol of love or death.

Theme: The theme is the central idea of the story, usually implied rather than directly stated. Theme should not be confused with moral or plot. It is usually a general statement about life and how it should be lived. A theme statement is always a sentence, not one word.

Watch the following clip and write a theme statement.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Communications 12

Notes for today:

Irony occurs in three types. Verbal, situational, and dramatic.

Verbal Irony-occurs when a speaker or narrator says one thing, while meaning the opposite.

Example: "It's easy to stop smoking. I've done it many times."

Situational Irony-occurs when a situation turns out differently from what one would normally expect-though often, the twist is oddly appropriate.

Example: a deep sea diver drowning in a bathtub or a pick pocket getting their wallet stolen.

Dramatic Irony-occurs when a character or speaker says or does something that has different meanings from what he or she thinks it means, though the audience and other characters understand the full implications of the speech or actions.

Example: Oedipus curses the murder of Laius, not realizing that he is himself the murderer and so is cursing himself.

Monday, October 5, 2015

English 10

Students are continuing their writing unit with "suspense" as their weekly theme. Their task is to write a suspenseful scene. We have discussed the question, "what helps to create suspense in writing?"

Some of our answers include: being vague, working under a time limit, conflict, using the senses to add to description and adding doubt to a story.

Today we got into small groups and students read part or all of their stories. Listeners were to give constructive feedback, which the writers used to add to or tweak their stories.

Tuesday will be a continuation of their short story unit. We will read "The Brass Teapot" and answer questions pertaining to the following literary devices:

  • protagonist/antagonist
  • point of view
  • foreshadowing
Wednesday's class will examine the short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Edgar Allen Poe. We will watch a short animated clip and discuss how suspense was created in the story.

Have an advanced viewing by clicking below.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Communications 12

Having finished the novel Of mice and Men, students will be working on completing their study packages. We will have a test early next week.

In responding to the novel, students will be asked to choose two following prompts to write a full paragraph (150-200 words). Make reference to the novel in support of your ideas. Please attach your responses to the completed study guide.

  1. Why do we have friends? What makes a friend?
  2. How important is it for human beings to have a place where they belong, where there are people who know them and love them?
  3. Why do dreams sometimes fail?
  4. Define euthanasia. Then defend or condemn the practice. Justify your belief.
  5. Who is your favourite character from the book? Give your reasons for choosing him or her.