Wednesday, March 16, 2016

English 9

Section 1


# 23 Define the dash and describe its uses. The dash is an emphatic mark that usually indicates an interruption of thought, a sharp break or a shift in thought. Uses are to: introduce a word or group that you wish to emphasize; a break in thought; to set off distinguished parenthetical material.

Section 3


Journal/free write question for the day: Write a scene that begins...."when I stepped off the train, I couldn't believe what I saw. I knew right then that...(my life would never be the same)."

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

English 9

Section 1

# 22

Define the colon and describe its uses.

The colon is a mark of expectation or addition. Major uses are to: introduce lists or tabulations; introduce a word or a phrase; precede an example or clarification of an idea suggested before the colon; to introduce a long formal quotation; act as a separating mark in special situations (letters, time, stating proportions, titles of books, acts or verses, etc.)

Monday, March 14, 2016

English 9

Good afternoon. Five days until Spring Break! Today you have two main tasks:

  1. Complete Section 1 up to # 21. Show Mr. Miller (before the end of class) when you are ready. You will receive 5 marks for being up to date and organized.

  2.  Complete worksheet on semicolons.

When you are finished these two tasks, complete and hand in your "Tell-Tale Heart" handout package. your plot graph poster displayed on my back wall?  


Section 1

#21 Define a semicolon and describe its uses.


The semicolon (;) is a mark of separation or division; that is, it is never used to introduce, enclose, or terminate a sentence. It is a stronger mark than a comma, but is weaker than a period. Uses are:


To separate independent clauses not joined by a simple conjunction; to separate clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb (also, besides, however, for example, otherwise, thus, therefore, still); to separate phrases and clauses of considerable length and also series of words that need complete clarity.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

English 9

Section One for today


# 20 What is a preposition? A preposition is a linking word used before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship to some other word in the sentence; usually indicate a location. Examples include: above, in, at, down, onto, over, upon, toward, within, for except

Commonly Used Prepositional Phrases

  • According to the weather forecast
  • Across many deserts
  • After many tries
  • Amid the confusion
  • Around the world
  • Before we start the meeting
  • Between a rock and a hard place
  • By the light of the moon
  • Like a beautiful swan
  • Near the ocean
  • Of my boss
  • Off the top
  • Out the door
  • Through the looking glass
  • Throughout the thick forest
  • To the amusement park

Don't forget our section one quiz this coming Friday. That completes Parts of the Sentence.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

English 9

Section one for today


# 19 What is a conjunction? A conjunction is a linking word used to connect words or groups of words in a sentence. Examples include: and, for, but, or, nor, yet, either, since, because, as, while, so that, although, not only/but also, unless, and on and on and on

Check School House Rocks to help you out.

School House rocks

Monday, March 7, 2016

English 9

Good afternoon,

Today students will be participating in a Direct Listening—Thinking Activity, in which they listen to a reading of the "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe.

Student Objectives:

  • Improve their listening and comprehension and prediction skills
  • Respond to literature read in class
  • Practice strong and effective writing

Before reading

  • Section 1
  • Notes
  • Poe 101
  • Journal question
  • Background knowledge on scary stories
  • Vocabulary sheet

Section one

# 17  What is an adverb? An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or other adverb by describing or limiting to make meaning more precise; often have an—ly ending. Generally tell how, why, when, where, how often and how much.

# 18 Give an example of an adverb. Quickly ran, moved sideways, he treated us kindly.

Section 4 notes:

  1. Suspense

  2. Point of view

  3. Imagery

  4. Mood

  1. Suspense—feeling of anxiety and uncertainty experienced by the reader about the outcome of events or protagonist's destiny. The author creates suspense by:

  • Choice of words - "dreadfully nervous"

  • Character's dialogue - "never kinder to the man before I killed him"

  • Character's action - took a whole hour to put his head in the room

  • Setting - deathwatches in the wall

     2. Point of View—the vantage point from which the author presents the action of the story:

  • Third Person Omniscient - all knowing (author uses he/she)

  • Third Person Limited - limited to the views of one character (uses he/she)

  • First Person - voice and thoughts of one character (author uses I)

     3. Imagery—collection of images in a literary work used to create atmosphere, mood and tension


     4. Mood—the feeling or atmosphere that an author creates in a literary work. The mood can  suggest emotion, such as fear or joy; it can also suggest a quality of setting, such as gloom

A brief 101 on Poe:

Short biography of Poe


Journal Question

Choose one of the following questions to answer (2-3 paragraphs):

  • Things that happen during the day that don't scare or worry you can sometimes keep you awake at night. Has this ever happened to you? Tell about your experience.


  • Have you ever done something you knew you should not have done, and gotten away with it? Which is worse—the guilt you feel when you get away with it, or the consequences you face when you get caught.

Handout package:

Part  1 -  Background Knowledge
Describe 5 things that you expect to find in scary stories.

Part 2 - Vocabulary

Part 3 - Story prediction questions/marking text

Part 4 - Comprehension questions

Part 5 - Literal questions

Thursday, March 3, 2016

English 9

Good morning. Today you will be asked to write a written response. Your journal question is this: What is your next big adventure? As always, be sure to be descriptive and write two to three paragraphs.

Watch the following video to help inspire your writing:
Dan the man

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

English 9

Good morning,

After students finish their vocabulary quiz, they can start their plot graph posters.

Plot Graph Poster

Using a short story of your choice, create a poster which depicts the elements of a Plot Graph. Use examples from your chosen story to complete your graph. Refer to your handout on the elements of the short story as a resource.

Neatness /5
Creativity /5
Plot Elements /5

Total marks /15