Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Start this poster project by watching this first:

Continue this project by completing the handout titled "Advertising Adventures"

Scenario: You are a community recreation manager for an adventure tourism company in the Comox Valley, BC. 

Details:The City will be holding a meeting to discuss the lack of adventurers in the community. Your company has decided to make a series of posters that advertise adventure travel.

Task: Read the information below. Create an appealing poster to be distributed throughout your community. Your poster should encourage people to get out and do something. Include all the necessary details. 
  • Three quotes from the movie 180 Degrees South
  • A catchy slogan (i.e.) Just Do It
  • A graphic/picture

Friday, November 3, 2017



Students in communications class are currently completing their novel studies as well as three reading and comprehension packages.

Last week, students were introduced to story telling and original compositions. Question asked include:

What makes a great story?

What is a flashback?

What is P.O.V. (Point of view)

How do we develop great characters?

We watched the TED talk "the clues to a great story" by Andrew Stanton. See link below.

We also discussed the fact that we all have stories. Tap into your prior experiences and develop your characters well.


Write a 250 word original composition with a beginning, middle and end. Include a flashback and write from the first-person point of view.

This is a rough copy only.

We will peer and self edit and revise before handing in a final copy.

Rough copy with peer edit        /6

Final copy                                 /12