Sunday, November 23, 2014

English-Indian Horse

Indian Horse -- Final Project

As a final project for this novel, you are asked to choose one of the following themes to research, explore and represent. For all projects, direct references to the text are essential. Specific examples MUST be used. Direct quotes from the novel will be required:

·         The hockey rink as a place of worship
·         Hockey or skating as a form of poetry
·         Explore the idea that hockey or skating can be freeing or seen as a way of escaping one’s present circumstances
·         Explore the idea of resilience and how it relates to the protagonist
·         Explore both racism and stereotypes. Identify the difference between the two and provide examples
·         Present First Nations hockey players in Canada
·         Other?????? Let’s talk

You may work with a partner if you choose. All students will be marked on their effort and time commitment. As can be seen by the examples below, there are many ways to present information. Here is a list of potential ideas:

·         Write a play
·         Write an essay
·         Make a movie
·         Make a commercial
·         Create a poster-board presentation
·         Do an oral presentation
·         Create a Powerpoint or Prezi
·         Create a comic book
·         Write a children’s story
·         Write or perform a series of poems or spoken-word pieces
·         Paint a picture and write a synopsis of the interpretation
·         Other??  See me

Projects will be graded on neatness, quality of written expression, meeting completion date, effort, and creativity. If you choose a project that requires written work, the written work must be typed. All work will require a reference page. Because of the variety of projects, grading can be difficult. Therefore, a generic rubric will be used to evaluate student projects.

Quality of written expression includes grammatical structure, spelling, writing conventions, etc.
Neatness includes typed work, overall aesthetics, and final presentation
Completion mark is obtained by finishing within a determined time frame
Effort mark will be established daily. Marks will be based on the students’ daily efforts and their use of classroom time
Creativity is a subjective mark. I will be looking for the students’ ability to think outside of the box

This project is worth a total of 50 marks.

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