Thursday, February 4, 2016

English 9

Section 1 work thus far:

  1. Define a noun
  2. Write down the nouns in the following sentence: Albert met his sisters' best friend, a pretty girl (Albert, sisters, friend, girl).
  3. Write down the nouns in the following sentence: They stood on the corner of Broadway and Third in the downtown section of New York (Broadway, Third, section, New York).
For Friday's Section 1 question:

     4. Write down the nouns in the following sentence: He was carrying a coat, tie and a hat (coat, tie, hat).

We also started building our vocabulary. Students should write the word, a definition, and place it into a sentence. Here are our first four words:

  1. Forlornly
  2. Galvanized
  3. Pirouette
  4. Transfixed
Finally, student started a mind map/web. After choosing a topic, students were asked to place the topic in the middle of the page and expand their maps outwards until they reached at least three levels. We will be using the concept of mind maps to help with the writing process.

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