Sunday, October 5, 2014


Write a five-paragraph response to one of the following questions:

What rule would you introduce into the modern game of hockey?


What recent rule change do you think has been the best for hockey?

Write one paragraph describing the rule, one paragraph explaining the benefits of the rule, and one paragraph on how the rule would change/has changed the game. Your introduction should have a hook, and clearly state the premise of your essay. Your three sub-paragraphs should be well developed with examples and evidence. Your conclusion can be two or three summative sentences.

You have two full classes in the computer lab to state your case. Be persuasive.


Step one:  Prewriting (4 marks)

Collect your thoughts on paper. Make a list of potential ideas. There should be no pressure to write at this point. Just brainstorm. To be persuasive, you will want to think about your argument. Gather some evidence to support your position on your rule change.

Step two:  Draft your idea. (4 marks)

Make an outline before writing. Write a rough copy.

Step three:  Revise your work (4 marks)

You may have to re-think things a little. Revise, revise, and revise. Is your work clear and well-reasoned? Does it make sense? READ YOUR WORK OUTLOUD. How does it sound? Have someone else in the class hear you read it. Ask for suggestions. Does it need more evidence? The last act of revision is PROOFREADING (spelling and punctuation).

Step four:  Submit final draft (18 marks)                               Total        /30